Asia Pacific is a land of opportunities for retail. In order to extend its reach beyond China and help its clients to seize the substantial opportunities offered by this fast-growing region, the Retail Forum powered by MAPIC, previously held in Shanghai under the name MAPIC China Summit – is moving to Hong Kong; the retail hub of Asia Pacific and will be hosted by MIPIM Asia Summit this year.
The Retail Forum powered by MAPIC gathers international retail real estate professionals looking to build partnerships, gain industry insights and discover the most outstanding projects in the Asia Pacific region through a worldclass programme and matchmaking events.
The Retail Forum will include a cutting-edge programme of conferences and networking events allowing you to develop your business in Asia Pacific around 4 topics:
• Retail property overview
• Diversifying the offer with food and leisure
• Culture as a new traffic driver
• Asia Pacific high street strategies
In addition to this insightful programme of conferences the forum also includes: the retailers’ breakfast, international retailers pitchs, retail matchmaking sessions, and retail tour in Hong Kong.